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Eclisse Single Telescopic Pocket Door Kit Eclisse Luce Wire Ready Pocket Door Kit Eclisse Curved Pocket Door Kit Eclisse Unilateral Pocket Door Kit
TEclisse Single Telescopic Pocket Door KitTEclisse Luce Wire Ready Pocket Door KitTEclisse Curved Pocket Door KitTEclisse Unilateral Pocket Door Kit

Eclisse Specials

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We have a range of spcialist kits which including, Telescopic pocket door kits, Luce wire ready kits, Curved pocket door systems, and the Unilateral units.

For further details on our specialist kits please see the information box below or contact Pocket Doors on info@pocketdoors.co.uk | 0113 202 8349 for a quotation.





Eclisse Single Telescopic Pocket Door KitSingle Telescopic Pocket Door Kit - Telescopic frame allows two door panels to go into the same wall giving the widest opening and light for the shortest wall space. A synchronized system is also available and allows the two doors to slide into the frame smoothly and simultaneously.

Maximise the opening, reduce the wall space needed.

762 x 762 x 1981mm (180mm) - Available from stock 

Others standard sizes available - 4-5 week lead time.

Please contact for pricing details

 Eclisse Double Telescopic Pocket Door KitDouble Telescopic Pocket Door Kit - The same principle as a single Telescopic pocket door kit, this system allows you open and close off an area of your property with ease.

Maximise the opening, reduce the wall space needed.

4-5 week lead time.

Please contact for pricing details

 Eclisse Luce Wire Ready Pocket Door KitLuce Wire Ready Pocket Door Kit - Like a standard Unico Classic kit but with an integrated wiring channel allowing sockets and switches to installed into the pocket. Available in a single and double kit configuration. 

4-5 week lead time.

Please contact for pricing details

 Eclisse Curved Pocket Door KitCurved - A completely new way to interpret the division of internal space. Curvy, modern and spectacular; makes any interior design special. Various sizes and radii adaptable to a wide range of requirements. Elegant and innovative curves in interior design. Supplied with timber door, single and double door configurations available.

4-5 week lead time.

Please contact for pricing details


Eclisse Unilateral Pocket Door KitUnilateral - Unilateral frames allow two opposite doors to slide into the same pocket. It requires only a single frame's overall dimension, but it hosts two parallel doors going in opposite directions.

It is ideal when you have two parallel doors and a short wall space like corridors and hall entrances.

Exploits even the tightest of spaces

4-5 week lead time.

Please contact for pricing details


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