0113 202 8349 for pocket door systems, pocket door kits, door furniture and door accessories

Our range of righe design glass pocket doors

range of righe glass pocket doors

Our Eclisse range of pocket doors are the perfect feature for a home or workplace. You know about the space-saving qualities of the pocket door; how it allows you to use space that would otherwise be rendered useless by a traditional hinged door. This opens up a huge range of possibilities in the home, such as en-suite bathrooms, small bedrooms, home offices and downstairs toilets, and also in the workplace, such as small offices, demo and training rooms, board rooms and storage spaces.

In addition to the practical qualities of the pocket door, there is also the visual appeal of what used to be considered a quirky retro feature. The pocket door first appeared in Victorian times and is now enjoying a 21st century renaissance, but some design features make it a bona fide contemporary design classic, and our Eclisse Righe range is the perfect example of that.


Beautiful and elegant glass pocket doors

Our range of glass pocket doors are the ideal way to create space and light, particularly in a small space, and our Righe range takes this one step further. Our Righe range can be distinguished by the satin opaque finish and the sandblasted lines which are equally spaced and create a pleasingly relaxing and cool visual effect on the pocket door.

The tempered glass appearance still allows light to shine through, and so enables small spaces to be used which otherwise might be impractical or claustrophobic. But the satin opaque finish also creates an important element of privacy. So our Righe range could be used for an en-suite bathroom, or a small office space in the home. And in the workplace, it is ideal for office doors, training and demo rooms and maybe meeting rooms or boardrooms.

A contemporary home or workplace will benefit from the stunning impact our Righe range can create. The sandblasted lines complement the unfussy, minimalist appeal of modern buildings and can create a visual impact which exhibits style and elegance in the home and progressiveness, dynamism and professionalism in the workplace.


Our Righe range of pocket doors

All our Righe pocket door kits are:

  • Supplied with 8mm glass pocket doors
  • Designed with the same sandblasted line effect
  • Quick and easy to install
  • Quick and easy to clean with a damp cloth, and require minimal maintenance
  • Supplied as a kit which includes the door frame, track and rollers, the glass door, a satin stainless steel round door handle and a wooden jamb kit, to centralise and stabilise the door long term.

We can supply eight different pocket door system sizes. These include:

  • Single doors for a 100mm wall thickness
  • Single doors for a 125mm wall thickness
  • Double doors for a 100mm wall thickness
  • Double doors for a 125mm wall thickness
  • Single doors for a 95mm wall thickness
  • Single doors for a 115mm wall thickness
  • Double doors for a 95mm wall thickness
  • Double doors for a 115mm wall thickness

When ordering your Righe Pocket Door systems from Pocket Door Shop, you should measure the right wall thickness and choose the right size door from our online range. When visualising the possibility of installing a pocket door system, you should also look at your available wall space and measure how much space you need.

It is important to note that the wall space required for a pocket door system is essentially double the width of the door itself. This is because the pocket door system includes the whole frame, including the ‘pocket’ into which the pocket door opens and sits. So the overall width required is the door itself when it is closed, and another section of the same width to accommodate the door when it is open. Of course, when you are planning on double pocket doors you need this extra width on both sides of the closed door, and hence you need four door widths for a double pocket door system. This same important consideration also applies to the Righe range of pocket doors.


Ordering online from the Pocket Door Shop

Our Righe range of pocket door systems are a stunning visual product which combines space and light to provide a freshness to any indoor space, whether at home or in the workplace. This generates an invigorating feeling of vitality and elegance, which really makes an impact and provides everything you need for a modern interior feature. So check out our range of Righe products and order online today.  

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