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Let Pocket Doors Help You With Big Renovation Plans For 2020

The tick of the clock from one year over to the next usually signals the start of some big ideas, and the charge into 2020 is no different. If you have some ambitious plans for your home for the New Year, don’t let budgets or other physical constraints stop you. At the Pocket Door Shop we might just have a very simple answer.pocket door ideas

In our homes we often see things every day that we would like to change, and we formulate plans in our heads, and sometimes on paper, to assess how practical they are. Often, the major obstacle is money, and at other times it is space. Well at the Pocket Door Shop we have a simple solution for both.

Changing from a traditional hinged door to a pocket door can trigger transformational change in the simplest and most cost-effective way. That might sound a little far-fetched when your plans involve new rooms, multi-functional rooms and changing the physical layout of the home, but it really can be as simple as changing to a pocket door.

How the pocket door can help transform your home

The traditional hinged door uses an additional eight square metres of space in a room to allow the door to fully open, compared to a pocket door, which simply slides horizontally from view and into a cavity recess when opened. That extra section of space might not seem a lot, but it can be enough to accommodate some significant changes to how you live and how your property functions.

Installing pocket doors can allow you to:

  • Fit a toilet and shower and create an en-suite bathroom
  • Install a loft conversion with two rooms
  • Create a kids playroom or even a bedroom where you once just had a box room for storage
  • Create a home office that can fit a sofa bed and be converted at weekends into a spare bedroom
  • Create a sectioned-off storeroom to keep the house tidy
  • Create a downstairs toilet
  • Create a utility room leading off from the kitchen
  • Knock walls through downstairs to create a walk-through kitchen to dining room or living room to dining room

Have you considered glass pocket doors?

The innovative use of glass pocket doors can also mean that a small room using a pocket door needn’t feel closed in and claustrophobic. A glass pocket door will let the light in and create the impression of a more comfortable and airy room. This can also make corridors and adjacent rooms brighter and more homely.

So pocket doors can be the cost-effective way to trigger a whole new direction for your home and bring lifestyle enhancements you wouldn’t previously have considered possible. The flexibility that pocket doors create means the function of your home can change from one day to the next, and you are fully utilising the space available to you. This may also have knock-on effects of better energy management and therefore lower fuel bills.

In 2020 we have to be more aware of the waste that we sometimes create, and that applies to space and energy usage in the home too. With pocket doors you can implement a simple solution and create a world of opportunity. So contact us today and let us help you re-design your home and realise all your ambitions for the new decade.

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